I am having another coronary!!! I seriously want to do what Jesus said in Revelation to the lukewarm people that He would vomit them out of His mouth... Except I want to "vomit" ON the church... The mainstream "Christian" church in America has gone so far off track it is not even funny. People don't believe in repenting at a moment in time and it ACTUALLY HAVING PERMANENT EFFECTS AND ACTUALLY CHANGING A PERSON!!! People believe Jesus rose from the dead!!! People also believe He cannot help them to stop sinning!!!! It is outrageous! If God lives in you and He is Holy... Logic kind of goes that YOU WILL BE HOLY!!!! God would be a weak idiot, if he let you keep sinning!!! The reason everyone is ok with calling people who remain in sin "Christians" is because there is no one who is actually saved and Holy to call them on it! The song that makes me want to vomit all over the place the most is "grace wins every time". Jesus didn't die so you could keep sinning against Him and "grace" would cover it. He died to pay for all your sin. AND... Said you have to die in order to receive it... You give up sin, Jesus cleans you, comes in and makes and keeps you Holy. God's grace was shown on the cross. God's grace is shown in conversion. God's grace is shown in breathing. GOD'S GRACE IS NOT SHOWN IN COVERING OVER A PERSON WHO HAS NEVER BEEN CONVERTED AND KEEPS SINNING... People are trusting in God's love and grace and not in Jesus!!!! Grace does not win every time!!! People go to Hell every minute! And if your life is marked by constantly needing God's grace because you spit in His face AGAIN AND AGAIN... I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU... HELL WINS EVERY TIME!!! JUDGEMENT WINS EVERY TIME. We are going to be judged by what we have done... Romans 2 Reason being, if Jesus has paid for our sins, covered us, cleansed us, made us Holy, kept us Holy, and we enter Heaven worthy and Holy....then grace has won. We are saved through FAITH, NOT GRACE!!! God love leads us to bow the knee to Jesus and give up sin. God's love (grace) leads us to bow the knee to Jesus forever and give up sin (faith). Most people today would say instead of... By grace you are saved through faith... They would say... "Believe Jesus Loves You" Sending people straight to Hell!!! Jesus does Love you! But what does John 3:16 say God so loved the world that He sent His Only Son that whoever believes in ........ JESUS! NOT HIS LOVE NOT THE CROSS YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN JESUS! YOU HAVE TO COMMIT YOUR LIFE TO JESUS! YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY MEET HIM! YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY SEARCH FOR HIM AND FIND HIM! HEBREWS SAYS, YOU HAVE TO GO TO JESUS OUTSIDE THE CITY, BEARING THE REPROACH. ITS EITHER SIN OR JESUS YOUR WAY OR HIS WAY BLACK OR WHITE IF HE ISNT TOTAL LORD OF YOUR LIFE, HE IS NOT YOUR SAVIOR AND WILL GIVE YOU NO GRACE!!! JESUSLOVESYOU!!! AND WANTS TO GIVE ALL OF HIMSELF TO YOU! YOU MUST SEEK HIM AND HOLINESS UNTIL YOU ARE ALL IN AND KNOW JESUS AND KNOW ACTUAL HOLINESS. ALL OF GOD FOR ALL OF YOU!!! LOVE YOU GUYS! JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!
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Joseph ZeissPlease feel free to comment and check out the rest of the website! Archives
May 2016
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