I'd like to dedicate this to my earthly Dad!!! He and I agree that Hell is hardly ever preached on!! It gives a lot of motivation to figure out and make sure you are on the team!!!! In the video I think we have clearly represented Jesus v. Satan When Satan steps out of line Jesus sends him back to his mud hole. When people get too close to the mud hole they are destroyed and will forever be with Satan. If you don't have Jesus as your Source and Living Water supply, you may get away with drinking from Satan's mud hole for a while... But he gets everyone who drinks from there, eventually. If Jesus is on your side you see who is more powerful. God made Hell specifically for Satan and his demons. But if we choose to continue drinking out of the mud hole...because we like Satan and death...He will send us there too. I like the visual I got after watching this video. Satan seems safe from the Lion of the tribe of Judah, in his mud hole. One day his little playground for killing people, is going to be turned into fire. From mud hole, with water, to liquid lava. He and everyone to has continued to drink from there, or killed there, will be in molten lava, forever. Also the Bible says, where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. I think Satan and all his scariness as a dragon or crocodile will be turned into a little worm. All he will be able to do is feel pain forever Everyone who doesn't give the entirety of their life to Jesus (you know if you have), will become worms who will burn forever in torment away from Jesus and HIS love and HIS family. Cut off forever from anything good or happy or any hope of anything positive ever happening. no hope forever Hell fire, lava, burning and eating your worm self for all of eternity. Did I mention that it is completely black and dark. no lights. Alone Blackness no friends or family Forever. What will you be doing? The Bible says for all of eternity you will be weeping and nashing your teeth. So much pain that you will spend unending time crying uncontrollable at your sudden and eternal loss. You will be in so much pain, you will grind your teeth together trying to break off pieces of your own teeth, because of the pain, that is your relief. Hell is far worse than I can describe or even what the Bible says... Its life without God and His Light, Love, Goodness, forever. You have chosen to live for God when you feel like it. You have given some things to God. But you are still in command. You go to Satan's mud hole when you feel like it. It is not worth it!!!! Give your WHOLE LIFE TO JESUS RIGHT NOW!!! JESUS LOVES YOU AND DOESNT WANT TO SEND ANYONE THERE!!!! But He requires you to be Born Again. REPENT GIVE ALL TO HIM FOREVER AND TRUST HIM TO COME IN, TAKE OVER, AND LEAD, GUIDE AND LOVE YOU!!! He is a Good God. But He will not wait forever... Do you think the zebra going to get a drink for the 1000 time at the mud hole expects it will be his last? NOOOO!!! If he did, he would turn to Jesus!!! Jesus says to turn to Him now before its too late! Today is the day of Salvation! If you hear His Voice, do not harden your hearts!!! JesusLovesYou!!! Jesus must be your Lord or He is not your savior! You must have a radical experience where you relinquish control and give it forever to Jesus! That is Salvation! That is Repentance! That is Faith! LoveYou! JesusLovesYou!!! Really good teaching below!!!! MUST LISTEN TO BOTH!!! FIRST ABOUT BEING CONCERNED ABOUT IF YOU ARE SAVED AND HELL SECOND, THAT YOU MUST FORCE YOUR WAY INTO HEAVEN, THAT IS MAKE SURE NO MATTER WHAT THAT IT HAPPENS
Joseph ZeissPlease feel free to comment and check out the rest of the website! Archives
May 2016
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