Let me ask you a question... If I don't shower for a year, and then put on clean clothes, am I clean? Satan has turned believing in Jesus into something it is not. It is not putting on Jesus over your filth. A cleaning of the inside a new inside new heart new birth new desires new radical resistance to sin new love for God a new you God in you Regeneration being set apart once for all new holiness EVERYTHING NEW You were in control: now God is in control You feel that you have a power and a life giving force in you (Jesus) You conquer sin You always are asking God what He wants (because He is inside you prompting you) Consistent Holiness, purity, Godliness It isn't some good deed you do once a week 24-7 devotion to Jesus Nothing ever stops you (because God never goes outside you) This isn't trying hard to follow Jesus, it is a piece of cake, and comes naturally, because you were born again If you find the Christian life is constantly hard to achieve your not saved It may have difficulties, but it is easy to do If Jesus, the God of the Universe Occupies you If you are struggling with something that is obviously wrong and cant get rid of it, you are not saved Saved people have God's power to follow Him Is God weak? Or are there a bunch of people who are going to go to Hell because they never actually bowed to Jesus, gave up control, and He took over You have to have two things A death certificate A marriage license The exact time on the clock where you, with your mind, heart, and will gave your life to Jesus and the sin patterns stopped permanently and Holiness beamed out of you and NEVER LOST ANY POWER A time when you died When you died to sin, self, everything Jesus came alive in you (proved by your knowing His Voice and following gladly in constant loving joyful obedience) A time when you got married The entire population of the modern church is dating Jesus and they think it is safe... They love Him, they do things for Him He loves them and helps them They have a relationship with Jesus I have some very bad news. They (99% of the church) are going out with Jesus Everyone going out with Jesus, at the point of their death, will be in the Lake of Fire, FOREVER. THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO WILL NOT BURN, ARE THOSE WHO HAVE GONE ALL IN, AND GOT MARRIED. Its not hard to tell if you are married, there are rings, a license, name changes, a permanent commitment to the other person. If you have not fully committed to Jesus and gotten married at a specific point in time, you remember, and do not constantly follow His every command, you are not saved and going to burn. Jesus wants all of you! He died to buy you! He gave His all and expects the same! And since He is God and made us, we bow and obey Him. Jesus gave all. That isn't enough to save you. You must give all to Him. If you feel upset by this and feel you aren't in 100% alignment with Jesus, kind of have a sick feeling... That is a good thing... Doubting my faith and if I was saved, is what led to me ACTUALLY GETTING SAVED!!!!!!!! YOU SHOULD BE FOREVER COMPLETELY UNRECOGNIZABLE FROM BEFORE YOU MARRIED JESUS! JESUS LOVES YOU AND IS IN YOU AND LEADING YOU! IN SOME WAY IT IS STILL YOU BUT IT HAS TO BE SO RADICAL THAT YOU CAN LOOK BACK AND LITERALLY FEEL LIKE YOU WERE DEAD AND LIFELESS BEFORE THE MARRIAGE, AND ONLY REALLY STARTED TO LIVE AND HAVE LIFE IN YOU, WHEN YOU MET AND BOWED TO JESUS ON YOUR WEDDING DAY! THESE ARE MATTERS OF LIFE AND DEATH!!! If you don't have a SPECIFIC DATE that you said goodbye to sin forever, and committed, and followed through, to ALWAYS SAYING YES TO JESUS, AND IF YOU DONT FIND IT EASY, YOU ARENT SAVED I have had EXTREMELY DIFFICULT times after my wedding, but Jesus and His Love, makes it a piece of cake to follow Him! I love you guys and I pray that if you don't meet these Biblical standards for being saved, you will search to see what is true and you wont give up till you are married!!! LoveYou! JesusLovesYou!!! Paul preached repent and believe...so did Jesus Repent=complete change and turn around a one time EVENT DO A 180 Believe=Faith=Faithful=commitment=commitment to being faithful The Bible says the Righteous shall live by faith LIVE by faith...every day all the time some interpritations of that verse say the Righteous shall live by faithfulness If God is in you, you will be faithful and Holy!!! It is impossible not to you were rewired you had a system reboot you were upgraded to royalty with power over all things Your Dad is God and He LIVES IN YOU HELPING YOU LET ME BE EXTREMELY CLEAR! I AM NOT SPEAKING THIS OVER PEOPLE OR SAYING TO PEOPLE READING THIS THAT THEY ARE NEW OR THAT GOD LIVES IN THEM AND THEY HAVE POWER YOU KNOW IN YOURSELF IF ALL OF THIS IS TRUE OF YOU OR NOT IF IT IS NOT GET IT!!! JESUSLOVESYOU :) PRAY ASK SEEK KNOCK SEEK WITH ALL YOUR HEART FOR JESUS AND YOU WILL FIND HIM
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Joseph ZeissPlease feel free to comment and check out the rest of the website! Archives
May 2016
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