There are two extreme positions that are both extremely dangerous. One is that grace covers everything no need for Holiness. The other is you better be keep trying to be Holy your whole life. This is really exciting, I just realized what I am about to write!!! The answer is not God did and does everything. The answer is not you have to do everything. The answer is God meeting you and you meeting God. You go to Jesus, who gave His life, and you give your life to Him, then He comes to life in you and you have all of God's love and you will be Holy. The whole point of the Bible is not believe a fact that Jesus died. Jesus isn't dead anymore. The goal is to ACTUALLY MEET THE LIVING JESUS AND LIVE BECAUSE OF IT. The whole Bible is about reconciliation between God and man. Not God overlooking our faults. Not us trying really hard. The goal of the Bible is that you would FIND JESUS!!! When you find Jesus and restore the relationship then you will find the answer and truth. You will have God's love, grace, forgiveness. And you will live a Holy life because Jesus is Holy and lives in you and controls your life and every move, in love and perfection. When you get married to Jesus, or surrender all to HIm in a moment of time, you get forgiveness, and the HOLY Spirit to make and keep you Holy. You don't try to be holy. You don't excuse your sin because grace. Holiness and love flow out of you because Jesus is in you, and you have been Born Again. People who are too easy on sin, aren't Born Again. People who all they talk about is "you better always do everything right", aren't Born Again. If you are Born Again and met and married and committed everything to Jesus in a moment, you will be Holy and it will flow from your heart and soul. Not like a list of things to do. Holiness will flow from Jesus in you. So the answer is be Born Again. The Answer Is Jesus. Getting Jesus in you. By surrendering all to Him in eternal commitment. To follow no matter what, with complete trust that He will guide you and keep you Holy. These two videos point out one of the major errors. I do not know this man nor have I read his book, he may be have sever errors in other areas...but the concerns he raises ARE BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS THE CHURCH NEEDS TO HEAR...EVER!!!! The two videos have the same content the first minute and last minute, but the middle is different and the entirety of both is amazing!!! I really appreciate Moody Bible Institute and they have helped me much...
Even the preachers he mentioned God has used... But the point he is making far outweighs anything!
1/25/2016 08:28:34 am
Started listening to the first video, but decided it was a waste of time (about 3.5 minutes in). These videos where people sit around and talk about how everyone else is wrong are so unhelpful, and generally very shallow on content. Engage the content and stop the straw man attacking other people. I know there are false teachers out there. Explain from the bible why they are false teachers, not just sit around and harp about how bad moody bible publishers had gotten because they use these preachers. I almost never actually listen to the videos you send me because of time. I did listen to a really encouraging sermon about the Holy Spirit that you sent, and I appreciated it. But this kind of stuff--it's not worth my time. The antidote to false teaching is the truth, not complaining.
1/25/2016 09:01:01 am
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