Repent. Be saved. All of God. Find Jesus. I hear so many people struggling with so many things when the answer is really simple...Jesus!!! Yes, He, sometimes, uses other things to help us... But at the core our problem is we are not saved. We are not all in. We don't know Jesus. This really frustrates me when it comes to Christian circles. There is so much preaching on so many things... it drives me nuts... We could save so much time and actually help people by actually preaching the True Gospel... You are an unholy sinner going to Hell... If you have not been born again evidenced by a sold out completely Holy and Loving Life of Jesus IN you. Jesus Loves You but if He is going to help you and give you, His ALL, He wants YOUR ALL in a moment of time!!! James Macdonald is a great, encouraging preacher... But in his pastorate he has said that the entire time he has been trying to get at the root to help people change... Instead of telling people they are idiots going to Hell, and must repent and be HOLY and be Born Again, and have Jesus IN them... He preached first a series on changing your behavior... Then he thought of "changing your attitude"... Then he thought, "change your thinking"... The Bible just says repent... Sell everything, disown everyone, die, and get married to Jesus and He will live through you and set you straight... one word...repent one word...Jesus I remember in college struggling over something when it hit me that Jesus is the answer for everything!!! I was not even saved yet! We have sermons on parenting, sermons on having a gay friend, sermons on politics, sermons on abortion, and sermons on bettering your marriage... IF PEOPLE WOULD JUST, ACTUALLY GIVE UP THEIR LIFE TO JESUS, ALL WOULD BE SOLVED!!! Sounds simple. But it is true. With God IN you, you WILL be what you should be and God will be leading you on all areas. What really gets me and makes me want to throw up in my mouth is the "Christian" spot on "Christian" stations called "family life blended"... It is how to have a successful remarriage... To be honest, we need a lot more than that show for remarriages to work... You know why... They are living in perpetual adultery, are not saved, and are going to Hell!!!! Sorry for being so harsh! I recently spent over a month praying and studying God's Word about remarriage and it radically changed my mind! I now know how horrid it is in the eyes of God! I have a web page where I put what I found on all sexual sin, including divorce and remarriage. You can click the link below to take you to my other website Click link below to go right to the page!!!
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May 2016
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