How Do I Know If I Am Saved? What must I do to inherit Eternal Life?
A man once asked Jesus this exact question. The man said he had kept the law. Jesus said to go and sell everything and come follow Him. The man went away sad because he was rich. Then Jesus said it is impossible to be saved...without God. With God everything is possible. Jesus was not saying anything new to the man. The Bible says to Love God with ALL your heart, soul, mind, and strength and your neighbor as yourself. When the man said he had kept the law, it was because he thought he measured up pretty good to being good. But he still felt something missing in his heart, that's why he went to Jesus. He was missing God in him. He may have experienced God and followed God...But in order to have God in you, ALL of God, IN YOU, you have to give all of you. You have to give up everything and follow Him no matter what. All of God for all of you. Then you will love God and your neighbor completely and will be filled with the Living God!!! People think they are pretty good, but that's not the question. There are two questions to ask to see if you are saved. Are you as good as God? If not you are not saved. You must admit that He is better than you and you need the sacrifice of the Godman Jesus to cover your sins...AND you need Him to take over your life and live in you, to give you life, and if God is in you...God is as good as God. The second question you must ask yourself I have a death certificate. There has to be a point in time where you died. At a specific time, you died to sin, you died, and Jesus began to live in and through you. A person can only die once. Once you die to everything else, and Jesus lives in you, that's it, you are saved. It's like an atomic bomb going off. You can feel Jesus, and nothing is the same ever. The idea that you get better and better in the Christian life is ridiculous. People think they will be made right and sinless when they go to Glory...bad news, if you are not right when you get there, you won't get there. IT ALL HAPPENS IN A MOMENT OF REPENTANCE AT CONVERSION. The reason people spread this lie is because they aren't converted and don't know what conversion is, and/or don't see a way to get rid of their sin, or they like their sin. Sure you do learn in the Christian walk, but nothing really changes. I have been saved for about five years, and I am the exact same as at conversion, wholly devoted to Jesus and following Him. My heart and being is 24-7 Jesus. That's because I died. Jesus lives in me. Does Jesus get Holier? No. Sure Jesus has shown me more and more. But my Holiness, heart, life, speech, love is still 200% for Jesus. The next thing I will say is that if you are asking the question of if you are saved or are certainly not saved. God says His Children will know. Some people KNOW they are saved, and are not, that is probably worse. I'll give you an example. Before my conversion I thought I was a pretty good person but always felt I needed more of God and worried about Hell a lot. This is ALWAYS BECAUSE GOD IS TRYING TO HELP YOU BY TRYING TO SAVE YOU...ITS NOT SATAN, ITS GOD. I will say I have had total assurance since conversion with the exception of two very momentary times, where I quickly realized I was being stupid, and felt Gods' Presence and confidence. The Truth of Hell is Very Dangerous to people who question their salvation and to those who don't. We are commanded to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. YOU BETTER MAKE SURE!!! The FEAR of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. You start with being afraid of God and Hell. The only person getting into Heaven is Jesus and the New Testament makes it clear that the end of wisdom is Having Jesus in giving Him all of you...then you will get into Heaven, because they aren't keeping Jesus out! The New Testament says about Jesus in Colossians 2:3, "in Whom are HIDDEN, ALL THE TREASURES OF WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE." So we notice a few things. First Jesus is God, as seen throughout Scripture, because He owns EVERYTHING. Second, we notice that they are hidden in Him. Which means you must look and search for Him. Third we see, HE IS THE ANSWER TO SALVATION!!! GET JESUS AND YOU ARE GOOD FOR ETERNITY!!!! So the start for every human is to be afraid of God and Hell, and the end is the get ALL OF JESUS IN YOU!!! I will try to address how to do that...ultimately its between you and God and you have to work it out...but I will try to show you what I have learned from the Bible, my own Salvation, and life.
I apologize for making this so long but I am trying to be thorough...starting from the beginning... God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) made the Universe and made man in His image (by the way Jesus is fully God and doesn't generate from the Father, He is equal in everyway, if anything He is greater than the Father, because Philippians 2:9 says that the name of Jesus is higher than any name, including God, Yahweh, and Jehovah). Anyways, God made man and gave him everything with one rule, don't eat of a specific tree. Man was rebellious and ate it anyway. Because they did this they lost their perfection and immortality and were impure and separated from God. They passed this on to their children and to us. We are born corrupt, separated from God, going to the lake of fire where we will burn forever, consciously, with no chance of ever getting out. God knew about this and promised to make a way of escape. Jesus died for our sins and took the lake of fire, for us, so that we could be with Him forever and could have connection with Him again, the hole in our hearts filled with Him (the Prince of Peace Who IS LOVE). One problem though. Believing this doesn't save you. You don't believe in something, you believe in Someone. I often struggled with what belief was and if I had it. My whole life I felt like I was missing something, someone, God. I grew up around Christianity but felt I hadn't attained it. So what is belief. It goes back to the Old and New Testament and what Jesus, God Himself, said. Love God with everything, and give up everything, and you will get God. True Belief and True Saving Faith is Complete Surrender to God. Believe in Jesus and you will go to Heaven, if it is Saving Faith, which only God can give. You must pray, trust, and Hope, like its all up to God. And you must ask, seek, and knock, like its all up to you. Other terms are mentioned in regards to Salvation. Repent. That is the same as I mentioned before. It is a one time deal. You die once to sin, self, and everything. You Repent once. People who are constantly repenting of sins they are stuck in are not saved. I used to really struggle with sexual sin. God delivered me slowly even before I was saved, but I always eventually fell back into it somehow, even if it was way less often. After conversion, if something seems even remotely off I ask for forgiveness, and cannot fall because Jesus lives IN ME. The next term is Being Born Again. Even if you think you have sin beat, you are not as good as God. You need His covering and you need Him in you to show you True Holiness. How can you be Holy if you are trying to be Holy? IF God Who IS HOLINESS ITSELF, lives in you, then you will know rightly what God wants, He will tell you and do it. I wanted to say one note about people who have had a big God moment and really started following Him and got rid of a lot of things...that doesn't mean you are born again. It happens in a moment of time, you feel His Presence, your need of Him, you feel Him enter you, an atom bomb goes off, and you are neverever the same. God does it. And you also turn from sin to Him in the same moment. Jesus did not take away our obligation to God, on the cross. He paid for our sin. We still must follow God 24-7 200%. Which can only happen if you find God. Jesus didn't take away our obligation to God, He, by coming to live in us, ensures we complete it. Preachers like to tell "Christians" they are New Creations. I can tell a broke down 20 year old car, without an engine, that it is new, but if the car meets God and gets made into a new car and gets an engine....I think it would know when and how and who happened to it. Also Everyone on the road would know, "Hey, new car.". You are not new. You must be made new. And you will know it. If the God of the Universe comes to live in you, would you remember it, would you be the same. For God to come and live in you, you have to be clean and empty of everything. My Bible Professor puts it well. The Bible says you have a wicked heart. A cobra heart. Would you want to live in a house with a loose cobra. Neither does God. He wont live in you or let you into His House, Heaven. You also have a filthy past. God wont live in a filthy house or let that filthy person into Heaven. People say Jesus Blood covers me. Jesus Blood covers the new car, not an old disgusting car. The Only Way to get to Heaven, is to have Jesus in you. And He wont because you are disgusting. (the third problem then the three solutions). The third thing is your current life is poisonous. God doesn't want to be around sin and poison. Ok. So you are drowning in the ocean, what do you do? YOU CRY FOR HELP!!! Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved. But you have to also remember that many who say, "Lord Lord" will not enter Heaven (Matthew). The Bible doesn't contradict itself. It says elsewhere...."You will find Me when you seek Me, when you seek Me with ALL YOUR HEART". As soon as you surrender, give all to Jesus, repent, die totally to sin, believe Savingly, are Born Again: you are in. Sometimes it happens and you are in, but other times it is a process to the point of Salvation. First you seek with all your heart. Then you give all your heart. Then you are saved and follow with all your heart. ALOT OF PEOPLE SKIP THE FIRST TWO STEPS...THEY THINK, OK, JESUS DIED, I BELIEVE, AND THEN THEY FOLLOW. YOU HAVE TO SEARCH FOR AND FIND JESUS, YOURSELF, BEFORE YOU ARE SAVED. THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE IS HIDDEN AND VEILED, ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE. YOU MUST FIND HIM. THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MODERN CHRISTIANITY IS TO THINK THAT JESUS DID IT ALL AND I JUST ATTACH MYSELF TO THAT IDEA. JESUS ISNT AN IDEA, OR A SET OF FACTS, OR THE BIBLE. John 5:38-40English Standard Version (ESV)38 and you do not have his word abiding in you, for you do not believe the one whom he has sent.39 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me,40 yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life. Hebrews 13:12-14English Standard Version (ESV) 12 So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood. 13 Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured. 14 For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come. We see from these verses that we are sanctified, immediately set apart, by His Blood, when we Permanently leave "the camp", or everthing, and find Him and surrender all repent. As the song says...Jesus Paid it All...whats the next line? ALL TO HIM I OWE...finding Him and absolute surrender so He can wash you, make you new so you want to follow Him, and give you the HOLY Spirit, so you will "be found spotless and blameless at His coming" The Bible also says "Without Holiness no one will see God"...clearly speaking of our lives and actions, not some mysterious belief in Jesus, that doesn't instantly sanctify us, and make us pure forever in our actions and being, but rather leaves us as powerless sinners, counting on God to make us clean over time, rather than actually go outside the camp and repent and ACTUALLY BE CHANGED FOREVER! Jesuss Blood ONLY covers, those who are Holy, BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN BORN OF GOD, GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT!!! Some people say you cant earn your salvation...they are right. BUT THE BIBLE COMMANDS US TO FIGHT FOR IT. We are told to STRIVE to enter through the narrow gate, because many will try and not be able. The Bible also says that, "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12 The whole Universe wants you to go to Hell...we must fight to find Jesus and surrender all... We must ask, seek, and knock....and refuse to quit seeking with all our hearts until we find Jesus, and are at Peace. We must also pray God save us, and keep praying and trusting Him until He does. The Bible says to Trust in the Lord at ALL TIMES! The Bible also says it is urgent...Today is the day of salvation...if you hear His Voice, do not harden your heart. Go Surrender to Jesus immediately. Follow whatever light you have. Whatever He has shown you or you know to do, do it. We must ask God and Godly people for help. We must seek in the Bible and other Biblical Christian books. We must pray. We must knock by surrounding ourselves with all we do. Trust God AND seek with all your heart and Jesus says you WILL FIND HIM.
This really helped me:The Parable of the Persistent Widow Luke 18 And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. 2 He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected man.3 And there was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Give me justice against my adversary.’4 For a while he refused, but afterward he said to himself, ‘Though I neither fear God nor respect man,5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will give her justice, so that she will not beat me down by her continual coming.’” 6 And the Lord said, “Hear what the unrighteous judge says.7 And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them?8 I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” This also helped me: John 12: 42-44(ESV) 42 Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.
We must on our search for rebirth, get rid of all sin...this doesn't save us, but I think it might help us draw closer to God, and I don't know, might be good for preparing to surrender all to Jesus in salvation, and IS Part of seeking. Now if you feel God's tug on your heart to get saved and fully commit, DO IT, YOU GET RIGHT WITH JESUS/GOD, BY GOING TO HIM IN SURRENDER, IN A MOMENT OF TIME, ALL OF WHAT I SAID IS TO BRING YOU TO A PLACE OF MEETING GOD...IF YOU MEET HIM, JUST TAKE HIS HAND AND HE WILL WORK IT OUT.
II Thessalonians 1:8 "in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus." Jesus will say to MANY CHRISTIANS, "I never KNEW you". To know God is to be fully committed to Him, and Him to you. It is like being married. You remember your wedding. You realized everything is different. You obey your husband. If you haven't surrendered ALL on the wedding (commitment) alter and "married" Jesus, its impossible to obey Him. You don't know Him, so you don't/can't obey Him. Without Jesus in you directing you, being Born of God, ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO FOLLOW SOMEONE YOU DON'T KNOW.
"When God looks at you He sees Jesus." REALLY? God isn't blind, if you are Truly Born Again and Jesus lives IN YOU, He will see Jesus AND your HOLY LIFE. Then, at the point when Jesus entered you, His blood covered you...if you are not completely Holy and wholly devoted, God sees a sinner going to Hell, because it is impossible for Jesus to be IN YOU!!! A ton of people are going to learn the difference between IN YOU and with you...when it is too late. And the difference between called and chosen. Many are called...FEW ARE CHOSEN!!! Make sure!
You have to be a Christian to go to Heaven...and I think 97% of Christians have never found Jesus...and are going to Hell. Famous people long ago used to spend countless hours and years seeking God, trying to be saved. Now its just a quick meaningless prayer, where nothing changes, and back to normal. WE MUST FIND GOD AND WARN OTHERS WHO BARE THE NAME CHRISTIAN BUT HAVE NO CHRIST.
Jesus Paid It All: ALL TO HIM I OWE Jesus didn't take away our duty to God, He made it possible, through His death, and upon True Salvation, His indwelling Holy Spirit. We do all things by faith in Jesus, even our seeking for Him!!! LoveYou! JesusLovesYou!!! :)