Out with sacrificing for God. On to doing His Will.
Before i became a True Christian, I would do things for God and try to be a good Christian. When I fully gave my life to Jesus, I began always asking what He wanted. Instead of me trying to figure out what good thing to do, or how to sacrifice for God, now I have the Holy Spirit inside who leads me in the will of God. The Author of the Bible, living in me, does a way better job than I would. In Hebrews it says the same when it quotes Psalms. Hebrews 10 says, "When he said above, “You have neither desired nor taken pleasure in sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and sin offerings” (these are offered according to the law), then he added, “Behold, I have come to do your will.” He does away with the first in order to establish the second. And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." So we don't sacrifice for God and try to do His will, we instead give our whole life to Jesus and receive His Holy Spirit, so we know exactly what to do and when. Instead of Jesus being something included and something we try to attain. Jesus now becomes the driver of the car, directing us into His exact will. Jesus said on that day, many will say Lord Lord, we did all this stuff for You and in Your Name... Jesus replies with, you are sinners and didn't do My Will. You must have a moment, a point in time, when you KNOW you have given your life to Jesus. A radical 180 of your life. Jesus takes over and runs your life for you. Us trying to be Godly will land us in Hell. Jesus, in us, keeping us truly Godly and in His will will land us in Heaven with our beloved Master and Savior. Its all about meeting Jesus, finding Jesus, giving Jesus your life, and then knowing its Him driving. Its about finding Him and a relationship with Him. NOT trying to obey rules, or sacrificing for Him. He doesn't need or want sacrifice....He wants YOU, all of you, all the time, for Him to come in and take over. That is true Godliness and the only way to do HIS WILL and go to Heaven. Out with sacrifice on to giving your life fully to Jesus. Jesus doesn't want a little sacrifice, He wants as Romans 12 says, a LIVING SACRIFICE. He wants you, all of you, all the time, PERIOD. You try and fall short. or Give Your life to Jesus and let Him drive forever. Radical Conversion. God, Jesus, Help us to do as Romans 12 says, to present our bodies as a living sacrifice Holy and acceptable to God and not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, in order to test and approve and know, God's good and perfect will. There has to be a certain point, moment, when we offer ourselves, once or all a living sacrifice. We pray to God to save us and read the Bible and ask seek and knock, seek with all our hearts and don't give up, then we give our life to Jesus. Then we can read His Word and renew our minds to know His True Will. Only the Born Again Person can truly to His will, because Jesus lives in them. Jesus help us not just do stuff for you, but be born again, so that You drive the car, and we know we are in Your will. We love You Jesus, in Jesus Name Amen. Love You Jesus Loves You!!! Have a GodlyGreatDay!!!
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AuthorJoseph Zeiss, servant of The King Archives
May 2021
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